Sunday, August 24, 2008

My sweet hubby...

Where do I begin? Adam is the best husband anyone could ask for. Really. Here is a bit of "Helton History Trivia" for you: 1) We were high school sweet hearts (Go Bears) 2) We were best friends in 9th grade 3) We were prom king & queen (I know...don't laugh) 4) We dated for 3 years before we got engaged 5) We were engaged for 3 years before we were married 6) We'll be married 10 years this October! The great thing is...we're still friends! He cracks me up. Has the best sense of humor of anyone I've ever met. He is such a great husband to me. He is such a great daddy to Emma and Ian. They adore him. When he comes home, they just light up and get so excited. He is really fun with them...always doing those fun dad things like wrestling, playing, reading to them. I am thankful to the Lord for such a great husband that is also my best friend.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh, we love Adam too. You are a very cute and sweet couple and we are blessed to call you friend.