Thursday, December 18, 2008

A "Trueville Whoville"

On Tuesday evening, Emma had her Christmas program for her school. It was really good. Basically, it was the Christmas story of Jesus' birth told "Dr. Suess style". Emma and the other kids were dressed as "Whoville" kids with crazy cute hair and bright crazy clothes. It was so neat how it all came together. Emma's class sang and did a little dance about the Wise Men...I don't think she missed a beat! We were very proud of her and her performance!
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Friday, December 12, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

What a great surprise yesterday with the snow! Wasn't it pretty? We really didn't get out and play in this one, but maybe God will give us a good snowfall of about 6 inches or more next time!?! Isn't it funny that this one was more of a surprise (I suppose...because I NEVER seem to watch the news), but when "they" say it's going to snow inches and hardly ever does. I used to get so upset when "they" predicted snowfall when I was a kid, and I had already planned out my entire snowday...then.....nothing :-(...and school wasn't cancelled...and it so bummed me out. That is bringing back some memories right there! The cool part about homeschooling is that I can just call a "snow day" any day that I so choose...even if it's in the middle of the summer?!? (SShhh, don't tell). :-)
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Friday, December 5, 2008

Surgery day for Ian....

Well, today has officially been the longest day I've had in my life thus far. Ian had two surgeries this morning. One was on his umbilical hernia that he has practically had since birth. The other surgery was an adenoidectomy (removal of his adenoids). We had to be there bright and early (or should I say dark and early) at 6am this morning. We didn't go into great detail about what was going to happen this morning, but said that he was going to get a belly button like Emma's. He didn't like the idea at first, but I had thought ahead for that moment...bring out a new Batman toy and he was smiling again! So, things actually went really smooth. He even "drove" himself down to the operating holding area by himself with the anesthesia guy. That part was not the easiest for Adam and myself :-(. I knew it wouldn't be. But, he wasn't having a problem, so I didn't want to have a problem either! The worst part was when he woke up from anesthesia and had monitors and an IV on him that he DID not want on him. That freaked him out more than anything. But bless his heart, he was doing everything that me or the staff asked of him...even with tears flowing down his cheeks (and a scream here or there)! He is now recovering with pain medicine and rest. The first thing he went to do when we got home was go to Emma's room looking for her (she was at Aunt Amy's house). That was precious. When Adam picked her up and brought her home, she was so sweet to Ian wanting to help him any way she could. Another blessing for me.

I cannot describe how God gave me peace today. I have been so anxious about this day for a very long time, but when I was actually going through it, God through His spirit gave me His peace that truly passes all understanding. (Phil 4:7)

Amazing. I am thankful beyond words.
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Monday, December 1, 2008

Trimming the tree...

Can you believe Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is almost here? I can't! This year seems to have flown by for me. We put up our Christmas tree on Thanksgiving night this year. I can't say that is is an actual tradition to put it up then, but it worked out for this year. Thanksgiving weekend was pretty busy this year! It is usually busy, but this year seemed more so. We went to Adam's parents for a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with his family. That is a tradition! However, this year we were missing all of Adam's grandparents :-(. Adam's granddad was in the hospital with a couple of new illnesses, his grandmom was at the hospital with his granddad caring for him, and his Nanny was at her place with a cold! It did not seem quite right at all. So, after we ate, we all drove over to the hospital to see his grandmom and granddad and spent a little time with them. That made it seem more "right". After we went home, I got a call from one of my BFF's(smile) Melissa, and somehow we (me, Mel and Cassie...missed Christy though) ended up at Opry Mills Mall at midnight just to shop until 4:30 (after standing in LONG lines to win a $20 gift card...I was thankful though). Then I went on to Wal-Mart, then to home at 6:30am---wired up I might add and not able to even go to sleep until practically when it was time for the kids to get up! Well...then off we went again to my parent's to have ThanksgivingII on Friday afternoon. My sister and nephews came in from we were all enjoying each other! I had planned on getting a nap at some point, but somehow got roped back in to going shopping...AGAIN? with Trina my sister! At this point I was almost delirious--okay, I was very delirious...we were cracking up at everything! Then, me and the kids spent the night at my parent's house with everyone. The kids and my nephews made a big pallet(sp?) in the middle of the floor and slept. My Mama LOVES having everyone (all of her babies) at her home at the same time. It just doesn't happen often enough. It was a great time with my family, my wonderful friend and my big sister who I wish I could see and spend more time with. There were lots of memories made with my husband, my babies, my family and my friends that I'll never forget. I love spending time with those I love, and I thank God for giving me such people that I can truly share my life with.
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