Friday, December 12, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

What a great surprise yesterday with the snow! Wasn't it pretty? We really didn't get out and play in this one, but maybe God will give us a good snowfall of about 6 inches or more next time!?! Isn't it funny that this one was more of a surprise (I suppose...because I NEVER seem to watch the news), but when "they" say it's going to snow inches and hardly ever does. I used to get so upset when "they" predicted snowfall when I was a kid, and I had already planned out my entire snowday...then.....nothing :-(...and school wasn't cancelled...and it so bummed me out. That is bringing back some memories right there! The cool part about homeschooling is that I can just call a "snow day" any day that I so choose...even if it's in the middle of the summer?!? (SShhh, don't tell). :-)
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Melissa said...

cute little snow babies! yes, i love homeschooling for that very same reason. the girls were pouting earlier this week saying that they couldn't have school b/c they were sick and we's a good thing we stay "home" for "school"'em...they didn't think it was funny at all

MADDIE said...

Cute pictures. Next time we are going sledding!! Sometimes even if you aren't homeschooling, you can just plan stay home and do fun stuff days!!!! Shhhh don't tell! :)

Jill said...

Snow always stirs up a little excitement in me too as I remember getting the day off from school. It's a rare enough thing here in Nashville that it's always a big event!

Angie said...

You guys are so funny!!
