Friday, December 5, 2008

Surgery day for Ian....

Well, today has officially been the longest day I've had in my life thus far. Ian had two surgeries this morning. One was on his umbilical hernia that he has practically had since birth. The other surgery was an adenoidectomy (removal of his adenoids). We had to be there bright and early (or should I say dark and early) at 6am this morning. We didn't go into great detail about what was going to happen this morning, but said that he was going to get a belly button like Emma's. He didn't like the idea at first, but I had thought ahead for that moment...bring out a new Batman toy and he was smiling again! So, things actually went really smooth. He even "drove" himself down to the operating holding area by himself with the anesthesia guy. That part was not the easiest for Adam and myself :-(. I knew it wouldn't be. But, he wasn't having a problem, so I didn't want to have a problem either! The worst part was when he woke up from anesthesia and had monitors and an IV on him that he DID not want on him. That freaked him out more than anything. But bless his heart, he was doing everything that me or the staff asked of him...even with tears flowing down his cheeks (and a scream here or there)! He is now recovering with pain medicine and rest. The first thing he went to do when we got home was go to Emma's room looking for her (she was at Aunt Amy's house). That was precious. When Adam picked her up and brought her home, she was so sweet to Ian wanting to help him any way she could. Another blessing for me.

I cannot describe how God gave me peace today. I have been so anxious about this day for a very long time, but when I was actually going through it, God through His spirit gave me His peace that truly passes all understanding. (Phil 4:7)

Amazing. I am thankful beyond words.
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Melissa said...

Ian is so adorable in his "scrubs". I am so thankful that everything went so well. We will keep praying for him to be back to his "old self" real soon.
We love you!

Jill said...

I'm so glad it went well. I read about it on Melissa's blog and prayed for him.

MADDIE said...

I am so thankful that everything went so well. I started praying for you guys the minute I opened my eyes! I was so nervous for you...I wanted so much for you to feel at peace, and Praise you God for giving Ang and Adam peace and letting everything go so smooth! I am so thankful that Ian is doing so well recovering. He is such a sweet boy. I smile everytime I think of what you were telling me about the way he was saying he needed some help getting out of bed! He is so brave. I am so proud of the way you handled everything. You are such a good mommy. Love you guys!

AshleyMK said...

I am happy that everything went well. Surgery is so scary especially when it is our little babies. Give him a kiss for me.