Friday, January 16, 2009

Emma's basketball skills...

Emma played her first Upward Basketball game of the season last Saturday. This is her third year to play. All three years she has been coached by the cutest, most athletic and skillful coach...her Daddy! She is really got some "skilz"! She is especially good at dribbling down the you can see in the pic. She is all business when it comes to sports, but she especially seems to have a knack for basketball just like her Dad :-). Adam was SO excited that this year's color for the jerseys was none other than....CELTICS green!!! Each year we have watched Emma improve in so many areas....she really gives it her all on the court. She made two baskets this first game...yee hoo! We are very proud of her in so many ways. We thank God for Emma and Ian.

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Melissa said...

Go Emma! We are going to have to come to one of her games. She does look very natural and I am sure that Coach Adam is a wonderful influence on the entire team! WE love YOU all so much!

MADDIE said...

I love it! Did Adam request this color? :) Emma looks so focused. Radlee played his first game today and he was off in his own little world. I was glad though because man some of the kids were so aggressive and I didn't want him to get hurt! I want to come and watch Emma play too!