Friday, January 16, 2009

Loving our friends....

Today we had our friends over to play...and play they did!! They all dressed up in different things and did a little face art with some not so waterproof markers...ha! Maddie was an "underwater skater fairy", Hannah was a "cute little kitty cat", Grace was an "elegant pretty princess", Abbie was a "snow princess", Emma was a "classy clown", Gabe was "the Hulk", Ian was "a wittle baby", and Reggie was "a dog" (HA)! Aren't they cute?! Check out the goofy picture...I think Ian almost swallowed that binky! We sure do have a great time with our friends!
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Melissa said...

We had SO much fun! Thank you for having us over. Gracie was sad that she forgot her little Nanette baby. Maybe Emma can babysit for her until we can get her back?

MADDIE said...

Thank you so much for having Maddie over. She had such a great time. She was so excited when she got home about her day and her hair cut! I love you guys!